At first, the main idea was to have a few key products. The success of these products enabled the development of further products and today we offer over 1000 products. Despite this large range, Feldt’s is still a family run company with around 50 employees.
The whole process from start to finish is rigorously controlled and inspected. All the way from when the fish is caught onboard our fishing vessels, to the delivery of the final product.
We maintain higher levels of stock to insure that our customers can always be supplied in last minute situations. We only operate in net weight so that our customers know how much fish they are getting for their money. As we are constantly pushing for quality and sustainability, we believe that our customer’s knowledge is crucial. Thus we offer education on our products and operations.
Feldt´s seafood is well known for its high quality and reliability. Constantly adapting to our customer's needs we aim to become Sweden’s N.1 seafood company and one of the leading suppliers in Europe.
Feldt´s is now developing the export sector and currently has two sister companies in Europe (Norway and Denmark).
Our key focuses: Quality, ethics and sustainability.
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